Laser welding


Innovative, Precise, and Reproducible


For the most challenging welding applications, Lion Lasers provides the perfect solution. Laser welding utilizes a powerful laser beam to melt and fuse materials like metals and plastics into a single, cohesive unit. This technique enables precise work on narrow weld widths and deep weld seams, without the fluctuations often seen in traditional methods such as MIG/MAG and TIG welding.


Laser welding offers numerous advantages, including precise energy dosing targeted exactly where needed, with no material loss in the weld seam. A controlled gas flow over the molten area prevents oxidation, resulting in clean, strong welds. The process is also highly reproducible, eliminating the need for melting electrodes or other variables that can make traditional welding methods less consistent.


Advantages of Laser Welding with Lion Lasers:

  • Precise and reproducible welding with minimal fluctuations
  • Oxidation-free due to controlled gas flow
  • Suitable for various metals and plastics
  • Ideal for complex welding applications with narrow weld widths and deep weld seams

Choose Lion Lasers and discover how laser welding can make your processes more efficient, accurate, and sustainable.